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After selecting “Blog” from the Plug-Ins Manager, the following screen will appear:

If you have any existing blog posts, they will be listed on this screen (the Published tab is selected by default).

Tip: You can also search for specific blog entries using the Search feature.

To view published posts from anywhere in the Blog tool, simply:

  • Select the “Published” tab

Understanding the Published Posts Toolbar:

Within the Published posts tab, you’ll see all of your published posts and a few helpful tools that allow you to make quick changes or edit each specific post.

The icon set that accompanies all Published posts allows you to:

  1. Set Post as Featured: Allows you to set the post as featured when selected.
  2. Unpublish: Unpublishes the post and removes it from your site without deleting it from the system. The post will now appear in the Unpublished tab.

  3. Edit: Takes you to the full blog post and allows you to edit or change the any of the posts’ information.

  4. Delete Post: Allows you to remove the post.

Watch Related Video Tutorial: Blog Tool Advanced