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Web forms allow your site's visitors to easily get in touch.  Adding a form to any page of your website is simple!

To add a Form to a page, either create a new page or navigate to an existing page in your website. Once you've selected a page:

  1. Check the side menu to ensure you are in "Edit" mode.
  2. Select the "Content Menu" icon.
  3. A blue menu will expand. Select "Form Block."

animated gif detaling the creation of a form block in cms7

After selecting "Form Block," a new content block will be inserted in the page.
  1. Select the "Form Block Options" icon.
  2. Select "Select Form."

animated gif detailing arriving at the select form button.

You will be redirected to a new page where you can:

  • Select a form you have already created from the drop-down menu.
image detailing selecting an existing form or creating a new one

After selecting the pre-existing or newly created form, select the Save button. Your form will appear on the page.

image detailing saving your changes to add a new form to a page.

 Watch the Related Video Tutorial: Adding a Form to a Page