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After selecting “Calendar” from the Plug-Ins Manager, the following screen will appear. The gray bar includes two tabs: Published Calendar Events and Unpublished Calendar Events. 

If you have already published any calendar events, they will be visible in this screen by default:

Understanding the Published Events Toolbar:

Within the Published events tab, you’ll see all of your published events.  Each event listing includes action buttons that allow you to make quick changes or edits to that event.

  1. Unpublish: Unpublishes the event and removes it from public view without deleting it from the system. The event will now appear in the Unpublished tab.
  2. Edit: Opens the edtior for that calendar event and allows you to make changes to any of the event's information.
  3. Delete: Will completely delete the calendar event. 

Watch Related Video Tutorial: Calendar Tool Basics