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The Calendar tool includes an "Unpublished" view that displays any Events that have been created but flagged as unpublished. An unpublished event will not be displayed on your site's public calendar.

After selecting Calendar from the Plug-Ins Manager, the following screen will appear. The gray bar includes two tabs: Published Calendar Events and Unpublished Calendar Events.

Click the Unpublished Tab to view all unpublished articles.

Any unpublished events will show at this screen. Here, you can also make edits to unpublished events by using the tool's actions buttons.

Understanding the Unpublished Events Actions buttons

Within the Unpublished Events tab, each event include three action buttons that allow you to make quick changes or edit each specific event. Use these tools to:

  • Publish: Publishes the post and makes it live on your site. The post will now appear in the Published events tab.
  • Edit: Takes you to the full calendar event and allows you to edit or change the any of the information.
  • Delete: Allows you to remove the event.

Watch Related Video Tutorial: Calendar Tool Basics